Welcome back!
A brand new school year is starting up in Ms. Race's class with all new students! We are so excited to share with you some new questions, ideas, and adventures. At Dover Elementary our mascot is the Dover Pirate, so this week we read some of David Shannon's books all about Pirates. Guess what we learned, our pirates are totally different then Mr. Shannon's pirates!
We brush our teeth...his pirates have green teeth!
We all take a bath everyday....his pirates don't take baths at all!
We wear and change our socks...his pirates don't even wear socks!
We change our clothes all the time..his pirates wear the same thing day after day!
Some of us have to change our little sisters' and brothers' diapers....his pirates don't even know where to begin!
We talk like normal people...his pirates have their own pirate language!
We live on land....his pirates live in a ship in the big ol' ocean!
We read books and bedtime stories...his pirates don't read at all!
We did however learn that his pirates just like us.....GO TO SCHOOL!
Do you have any cool pirate books or pirate stories to share with us?