Monday, November 5, 2012


This week we are diving into an ocean of jellyfish! We are looking into the life and habits of a jellyfish. We have discovered that we know a few good things about jellyfish but we definitely want to know more! Here are a few of our questions:


1. Do jellyfish live in cold or warm water? Which oceans do they live in?

2. We know that jellyfish sting, but do they sting you once they are dead if you touch them?

3. Do jellyfish swim alone or in a school?

4. Do jellyfish change colors? 

5. How many babies do jellyfish have in a lifetime?

Monday, October 29, 2012


As we get close to Halloween, this week we are studying the life of a bat. Bats are very interesting animals and we are wanting to know a little more about how they live. So we are posting a few questions to see if you know any of the answers. 

1. Do bats live in all of the Arkansas region?

2. Are bats only black or do they have other colors?

3. Do bats make nests?

We are very interested to see what you can help us find! 

Happy Halloween! 

-Ms. Race's class

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"How to..."

"How to.........." 

This week our class is looking into "how to" writing pieces. We have talked about how to build a scarecrow with Ms. Race. We were thinking it would be neat to find out some of your favorite things to make. So here we go....

1. Do you know how to build a scarecrow?

2. Do you know how to make caramel/candy apples?

3. Do you know how to make a costume?

*We are looking for some great ideas of things to describe for our writing pieces.

Sick Day

We are so sorry we haven't blogged in a while. Ms. Race has been very sick so she was gone. No worries...we are BACK!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Rainforest survival"

Today we have the chance to read The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. We discovered that many rainforest are being cut down and destroyed! So many trees are being cut down that animals are loosing their homes, food, and oxygen. We want some ideas on how you think we can help! 

What ideas do you suggest we do to help the rainforest?

Monday, September 24, 2012


During class this week, we are looking at why authors write stories. Today, we discovered many different reasons and ideas.Although we had some really great thoughts, we wanted to know what your thoughts are. Here are a few of our pending questions:

1. Do authors write to entertain children?

2. Do authors write just because it is fun?

3. Do authors write because it helps educate people?

4. Who is your favorite author?

5. What kind of stories does your favorite author write?


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sea Turtles:

This week we have learned that sea turtles are very interesting sea animals. We found out that a sea turtle will travel for 20 years before having babies. We also found that a sea turtle goes back to the same beach it was born when laying eggs. Here are our 3 questions:

1. How many eggs can a sea turtle lay at one time?
2. Do sea turtles have a backbone or is their shell the backbone?
3. How long does a sea turtle live?
If you have any interesting facts, pictures, stories, details, or websites to share about sea turtles please share under our comments!
-Ms. Race's 2nd graders 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Teachers around the world

Today my students and I decided it would be fun to find some other classrooms around the world to interact with each week. Each week we will post a question discussing a topic from class. We are looking for people to comment and share ideas, facts, and even websites linked to our questions. Tomorrow morning we will be posting our very first question! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New year, new teacher

     I am so glad this school year has finally gotten started!I am so excited to have my new classroom and all my new students. As a new teacher, I thought it would be very neat to introduce my parents to a teacher blog. I plan to update it at least once a week. Parents are very welcome to post comments or catch up with our daily news from the classroom. Let all the blogging begin!