Monday, November 5, 2012


This week we are diving into an ocean of jellyfish! We are looking into the life and habits of a jellyfish. We have discovered that we know a few good things about jellyfish but we definitely want to know more! Here are a few of our questions:


1. Do jellyfish live in cold or warm water? Which oceans do they live in?

2. We know that jellyfish sting, but do they sting you once they are dead if you touch them?

3. Do jellyfish swim alone or in a school?

4. Do jellyfish change colors? 

5. How many babies do jellyfish have in a lifetime?

1 comment:

  1. This week we have learned that first of all jellyfish do live in both cold and warm water locations. We also discovered through a book and pictures that jellyfish at time swim alone but sometimes swim in schools. Jellyfish are very inteesting animals. We learned that they have no brain, no heart, and no bones. We also disoovered they don't really eat their food because they have no stomach to put it! Jellyfish are very unique and interesting animals!
